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Have You Heard of Wi-Fi 6? Here’s Why It’s Superior


Bring Fast & Reliable Connections to All Your Devices 

When the Zoom call freezes, when the connection drops, most people’s only solution to spotty Wi-Fi is to unplug or restart the router, hoping that will help. 

Sometimes rebooting a router can help by clearing tasks that have stalled. But if your household has many computers, TVs, phones, and smart homedevices all trying to connect simultaneously, all that traffic is going to slow it down. 

The more you ask a router to do, the harder it has to work. And older routers aren’t capable of supporting our modern needs. But with the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology, your Lighthouse Point, FL, home will always enjoy fast connections. 

But what is Wi-Fi 6? It’s a common question we hear. Read on to learn how Wi-Fi 6 works and will improve your home networking quality. 

How to Build a Wi-Fi 6 Network Across Your Home


Your Guide to a Wi-Fi 6Home Network Installation 

Does this sound like your Wi-Fi struggles? You settle down to watch a movie on Disney+ or Netflix, and twenty minutes in, the video stops. You restart the program or stare at a loading screen, waiting. 

Or perhaps you try to join a Zoom meeting for work. Suddenly, your feed freezes. You exit the call, fiddle with the router, and try to join the conference again, flustered and stressed. 

It’s 2021—so why do so many people still struggle with internet connection? Maybe it’s time to upgrade to Wi-Fi 6, the latest wireless networking technology. We’ll share below how a Wi-Fi 6 network installation  can vastly benefit your Fort Lauderdale, FL, home. 

And if you join us March 14th on Facebook Live, we’ll demonstrate how a Wi-Fi 6 network works in real-time. 

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