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3 Ways Life Changes with a Smart Home Installation

Hand pressing a “Good Morning” button on a smart home wall keypad.

Consolidate and Live Simply with Smart Home Technology 

Remember the days before smartphones? If you were going on a trip, you’d pack a map to navigate, your MP3 player or iPod for music, a camera to capture memories, and your cell phone for emergency calls. Everything was separated. We didn’t know that someday it would be possible to do it all through a single device! 

Just like smartphones consolidated our tools into one gadget, smart home systems put all your home’s needs into a single easy-to-control platform. From the same app, remote, or even wall keypad, you can access and adjust lights, window shades, audio, video, security devices, and even control your home’s temperature. 

The possibilities are nearly endless when you invest in a smart home installation. Are you curious to see how it will influence and shape daily life at home? Read on to learn how a professionally installed smart home enhances your Lighthouse Point, FL, lifestyle. 

SEE ALSO: Smart Home At Sea: Discover the Possibilities in Marine Automation 

You’ll Save Time Each Day 

We all wish we had more hours in the day, don’t we? Well, with a Control4 smart home, you get some of that time back. Imagine starting your day by pressing “Morning” on your bedside wall keypad or tapping the scene on your phone. Instantly, window shades rise across the house. Lights turn on to your preferred brightness level and color. The AC sets to the ideal temperature, and your coffee pot starts brewing. If you have a multi-room audio system, your morning playlist or news podcast begins playing, soundtracking your morning routine. And when it’s time to leave the house? Turn it all off in a single command. 

When all your needs are synced to one home system, you feel more relaxed knowing how easy it is to power everything off and leave the house. And if you forget something? Reach in your pocket, open the Control4 app, and remotely turn off whatever you forgot! 

You’ll Access Home Away from Home 

The incredible thing about Control4 smart homes is the ability to remotely access and control your home’s system. Even if you’re hundreds of miles away, you can turn on landscape lights, lock doors, and check surveillance cameras through the same app. This comes in handy when you’re about to head home. Open the app and turn on the lights and the AC, so you’re welcomed by a bright, cool house—without wasting energy all day. 

You’ll Enhance Your Home’s Atmosphere 

In a smart home, you’ll enjoy ultimate control over every room’s ambiance. You’ll fine-tune the brightness and color of LED lights, then raise or lower motorized window shades in a single command. With a few swipes on your phone, you can play music over your home’s speakers, or even press a wall button that automatically plays your favorite nighttime playlist. 


Are you interested in the luxury and convenience of home automation? First Priority Audio is South Florida’s certified Control4 dealer and smart home installer. Contact us here to answer your questions and discuss your home project today! 

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